2 Chronicles 7:2,14 

If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins, and heal their land.


God knows our beloved America needs healing
And He will do that yet even today
If we will but humble ourselves and turn away from sin
Seek His face, love Him, and earnestly pray

We must ask forgiveness  for evils we have done
He has promised to wipe them away
And lead us back on the track to His Kingdom
He is still there listening to us when we pray

There are those who would destroy our country
And take our God given freedoms away
We must take heed and not let them succeed
We must ask God to show us the way

We must have no shame to be known by His name
We must carry His banner with pride and love
We must know that He cares and still anwers prayers
And He will watch over us from His throne up above

Dear God hear our plea. Please keep America free
That is something that You alone can do
And when this task is done, and the victory is won
Let us all know that that it is because of You

 Jack Young 
(C)11-18-03  Used with permission
Read more of Jack's poetry  Here