Miracle Cures
If you see someone down and feeling blue
It's a miricle just what a hug can do
They will lift the spirit and for sure
Might be all that is needed for a cure
If that doesn't work then try a smile
That is something that never goes out of style
That will work for both of you for sure
Most times that's all thats needed for a cure
You mght also want to throw in a kiss
That is something that will seldom miss
The recipient will feel better that's for sure
That's another wonderful way to affect a cure
But you really want to be on the ball
And give them the best cure of the all
A big dose will make their life worthwhile
Try combining the hug, the kiss, and the smile
You will find out just what what I am speaking of
If before you start you just stir in some love
That is quite a powerful concoction for sure
Ty mixing hugs, smiles, kisses and love for a cure
~ Jack Young
(C)7/20/03 Used with permission
Read more of Jack's poetry here

Music "Power Of Love" midi