Missed Opportunities
So many times we miss the chance
To do a worthwhile deed
An occasion to somehow enhance
Or maybe fulfill a need
So many opportunities pass by
As we hurry on our way
We do not hear somebody cry
I'm lost please show me the way
So deep or we in our own stand
We notice not a need
A chance to lend a helping hand
Instead we just proceed
A chance to help mend a broken heart
A chance to minister to
To dry a teardrop if one should start
A chance to hope renew
Let each of us decide that we
Will not overlook another's need
And not miss one opportunity
To help someone succeed
If we see someone who is not aware
Of the teachings of God's Word
Let us take time with them to say a prayer
And tell them about our Lord
God bless all. I love you but God loves you more.
Author: (c) Jack
Used with permission
Read more of Jack's poetry Here
"Music" Come Holy Spirit I need You"
Used with permission from Soul
Keeper Music