More Undying Love
He knelt sadly by the grave
And softly called out her name
He tried so hard to be brave
But still the teardrops came
Upon the the newly dug soil
He laid a pretty bouquet
And promised her that he would come
To bring one to her every day
He talked as if she were right there
And hearing every word
He poured out his heart and soul
Always believing that she heard
He raised his tear filled eyes above
And promised her that he
Would soon again be joining his love
And forever together they'd be
Then slowly he rose to his feet
And turned around to depart
And then walked slowly down the street
With a his broken heart
A daily ritual this became
He was faithful to his word
He softly would call out her name
And talked with her--And his Lord
He asks the Lord to let her wait
Til he could join her up there
And then let her meet him at the gate
That opens to Heaven fair

Jack Young(C)8/8/02
Used with authors permission
Read more
of Jacks Poetry Here

Music "Love
Born On Angels Wings"
visit site
here: Bruce DeBoar