My Best Friend(And Yours)
There is a friend that I hold dear
I would like for you to meet
I've never known another friend
With love so pure and sweet
I take this friend everywhere I go
I make sure before I start
I talk to Him for a little while
Then tuck Him in my heart
He is there whenever I need Him
He never goes away
He gently leads me back to Him
If I start to go astray
He is the Rock I lean on
My haven in storms I face
He shares His great strength with me
He lets me know His Grace
He overlooks my weaknesses
And forgives me of my sin
His loving arms are open wide
For me to always enter in
My friends I hope you know Him too
This Friend I am speaking of
His precious name if Jesus
He's a perfect example of love
Jack Young
(C)7/29/03 Used with perssion
Read more of Jack's poetry Here