One Moment
If you have
a moment to spare today
Grab it. Don't
let it just pass away
For once it
is over it is forever gone
In a moment
there is so much that can be done
You might try
smiling it doesn't take much
Or reach out
reassure someone with your touch
Or spend this
quiet moment with someone you love
Or better
yet say a prayer to the Lord up above
Life is too
precious to just fritter away
We all are
given the same moments of the day
To let them
just pass by there is no excuse
So grab them,
enjoy them and put them to use
In just a moment
many victories are won
In a moment
great deeds have always been done
So don't let
one moment of your life just pass by
Or you might
find yourself left wondering why
God loves you
and I do too.
Jack Young
Used with permission
Read more
of Jack's poetry Here

11 July 2003.
Artwork by
©Jody Bergsma
. Used with Permission
All Graphics
© Sysster Designs