Little birdie in the tree
Sing your pretty song for me
How I love to hear you sing
It lets me know that it is Spring
Good morning little butterfly
Make me smile as you fly by
Good to see you on the wing
It lets me know that it is Spring
Good morning pretty buttercup
It's good to see that you woke up
Oh what pleasure you now bring
You let me know that it is Spring
Good morning flowers all around
Some just peeping from the ground
You sure cause my heart to sing
You let me know that it is Spring
Good morning to you warm, fresh air
I see you are working everywhere
And all the wonders that you bring
To let me know that it is Spring
Good morning world good day to you
This is your day to start anew
Forget the Winter's artic sting
And start afresh for it is Spring
Good morning to you friends everywhere
Don't you just love this fresh war air
Aren't you glad winter's had its last fling
Come joing me now "HOORAY FOR SPRING!!"
Good morning God and thank you too
We know these blessings come from You
You oversee each living thing
That lets us know that it is Spring
Written the first day of Spring 2004
Jack Young (C)
3-20-04 Used with permission
Read more of Jack's poetry here